Institute of Sathya Sai Education - Hong Kong

Learning to earn a living is only half the job. The other half is to make life worthwhile and meaningful.~ Sathya Sa Baba ~

SSEHV and Academic Results

Summary of Research Collected in China on the Effects of SSEHV (2007/08)

Teachers are often concerned whether focusing on SSEHV in their teaching will have an adverse effect on academic results.  There is a growing body of literature worldwide that is reporting significant positive effects of character education on academic achievement (Ellenwood, S. (2006).  Revisiting character education:  From McGuffey to narratives.  Journal of Education, 187, 3)

Data collected from 21 primary school teachers in a district in western China who had participated in a SSEHV project for one year found that: 

Data evidence: Between  first and last five months of the project. 

  • For the SSEHV classes there was a greater increase in mean pass rates and distinction rates than for the control class.
  • The gaps between the SSEHV and control groups widened in the second five-month period than in the first. 




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